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Event Calendar

21 Aug

विश्व उद्यमशीलता दिवस 2021 पर उद्यमशीलता वार्ता श्रृंखला

आईआईएम बोधगया ने एनविजन सेल-उद्यमिता और उद्योग संबंध प्रकोष्ठ के सहयोग से 21 अगस्त, 2021 को अपनी “उद्यमी वार्ता श्रृंखला” के दूसरे संस्करण का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन किया। “विश्व उद्यमशीलता दिवस” के अवसर पर, संस्थान ने कुछ प्रमुख आयोजनों की मेजबानी की। उद्योग के अग्रणी, डॉ. विनीता सहाय, निदेशक, आईआईएम बोधगया ने मुख्य अतिथि, फैकल्टी, and […]

7 Mar

YES! 2021               

E-Cell IIM Bodhgaya: Envision had successfully organised its flagship event YES 2021 on 6th & 7th March 2021. In YES 2021, along with the Startup Hunt Competition, a Panel Discussion and talks from Keynote Speakers and Esteemed Guests took place. Envision concluded the Day 1 of YES 2021 on an elated note. We were truly […]

24 Jan

YES! 2020

The Maiden Annual Entrepreneurship Summit of IIM Bodh Gaya, YES 2020 began on an auspicious note with a tree plantation drive on 24th January 2020.

23 Jan

YES! 2019

IIM Bodh Gaya, in association with, Envision, the Entrepreneurship Cell of the institute organized its maiden Entrepreneurship Summit, YES 2020. The title sponsor of the event, NABARD, with Road Express as logistics partner, Mwash as care partner and other sponsors LWT, Instade, 100X and Dare2Compete played a major role in successfully organizing the event.

28 May


Patna Ideathon 2018 was organised on 3rd & 4th December by the Department of Information Technology (DoIT), State Govt. of Bihar.

28 May


Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya hosted the first boot camp of Bihar Startup Yatra, the next edition of Startup India Yatra being organized country wide

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हमसे संपर्क के लिए

भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बोधगया

उरूवेला, प्रबंध विहार
बोधगया – 824234, गया, बिहार, भारत

ई-मेल आईडी

निदेशक कार्यालय : director_office@iimbg.ac.in
पीएच.डी. प्रवेश: phdadmission@iimbg.ac.in
एमबीए प्रवेश: pgpadmission@iimbg.ac.in  आईपीएम प्रवेश: ipmadmission@iimbg.ac.in

कर्माचारी निर्देशिका