Tender No: NIT/IIM Bodh Gaya/Service-Contract/02/2018-19

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Directorate of Distance Education Building
Magadh University Campus, Bodh Gaya
Bihar- 824234

Tender No: NIT/IIM Bodh Gaya/Service-Contract/02/2018-19



Sealed tenders are invited from registered Agencies/Firms/Companies/Service Providers to provide jobs/Services through contract for Maintaining the offices, moving in/out registers/files and letters, record keeping of the offices and photo copying etc. under various departments of Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya. The tender document fee of Rs.1000/- (Non-refundable) must be deposited by the tenderer by Demand Draft in favour of ‘IIM Bodh Gaya’ and payable at Bodh Gaya along with the tender documents. Tender document fee should be kept in EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) envelope. Tender without tender document fee will not be considered.

General Terms & Conditions:
  1. The bidder must be a legally constituted proprietary firm/ partnership firm/ limited company or corporate body who possess the required licenses, registrations etc., as per law valid at least for 12 months from the date of the opening of tender for providing the above said services.
  2. The bidders should quote their offer/rates in clear terms without ambiguity.
  3. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, and these taxes should be shown separately.
  4. The rates should be quoted both in figures and words and legibly written without any over-writings. In case of any correction, the same must be attested by the bidder with full signature; however, no over-writing is permissible.
  5. In case of any discrepancy between the rates in figures and that in words, the rate in words will be accepted as correct.
  6. In case the last date for receipt of the bid is declared a holiday for IIM Calcutta, then the bids will be received up to the given time on the next working day.
  7. Bids received after the deadline of receipt indicated above, shall not be taken into consideration. Postal or courier delay will not be considered and the Tender received late will be rejected.
  8. IIM Bodh Gaya reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders on whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
  9. TDS and other taxes as applicable will be deducted from the agency’s bill as per Govt. norms from time to time. The GST (if claimed by the agency) will be reimbursed only after the submission of proof of payment of GST. Moreover, the GST challan should match the claim preferred against the Institute.

Click here to download the application form

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भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बोधगया

उरूवेला, प्रबंध विहार
बोधगया – 824234, गया, बिहार, भारत

ई-मेल आईडी

निदेशक कार्यालय : director_office@iimbg.ac.in
पीएच.डी. प्रवेश: phdadmission@iimbg.ac.in
एमबीए प्रवेश: pgpadmission@iimbg.ac.in  आईपीएम प्रवेश: ipmadmission@iimbg.ac.in

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