Faculty & Research

Faculty & Research

Faculty & Research

The faculty group comprises of a rich mix of regular and visiting faculty members. While the Institute keenly promotes its in-house faculty to build and develop new age courses, it also encourages experienced guest faculty from senior IIMs/IITs and Industry Experts to participate & deliver critical insights on with a very hands on application based approach.

Every faculty engages in Extensive Research in order to update with the latest industry trends and cutting edge techno management policy implications. They actively contribute to the creation of knowledge capital in all the functional domains of Management viz Operations, Marketing, Finance, HRM, Strategic Management, Information System and other related areas.

At IIM Bodh Gaya, the focus of the faculty is to create conducive conditions and environment for fostering the critical and innovative thinking among students. To nurture and challenge the students ensuring in their all round development, they are actively involved in live projects along with faculty to contribute for economic growth, employment and social development.

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हमसे संपर्क के लिए

भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बोधगया

उरूवेला, प्रबंध विहार
बोधगया – 824234, गया, बिहार, भारत

ई-मेल आईडी

निदेशक कार्यालय : director_office@iimbg.ac.in
पीएच.डी. प्रवेश: phdadmission@iimbg.ac.in
एमबीए प्रवेश: pgpadmission@iimbg.ac.in  आईपीएम प्रवेश: ipmadmission@iimbg.ac.in

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