Building Ethical & Responsible Leaders

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Building Ethical & Responsible Leaders

Building Ethical & Responsible Leaders

IIMBG has introduced programs that focus on developing ethical leaders as much as competent ones. Decision making and self leadership is a part of learning experience. Long lasting & sustainable success is possible only when leaders are ethical about the choices they make. Tenets of compassion, mindfulness and business ethics makes leaders inspiring. Keeping in mind the present scenario of complex workplace, students are taught what exactly constitutes a white collar crime, and how far reaching the repercussions of seemingly innocuous acts could be.

IIMBG strongly believes in producing ethical and responsible leaders for community & nation building.

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भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बोधगया

उरूवेला, प्रबंध विहार
बोधगया – 824234, गया, बिहार, भारत

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