About LRC

Library Committee

Sl.NoName of MemberDesignation
1Dr. Tamali ChakrabortyChairperson
2Dr. Anirban SenguptaMember
3Dr. Madan Lal YadavMember
4Dr. Pooran Mal GuptaMember Secretary

Library Rules and Regulations

General Instructions for users

  1. Library is a place of self-study and research; members should maintain a healthy, sound and peaceful environment.
  2. Users should not disturb other users in anyway. Loud discussions are not allowed in the library.
  3. Library users are requested to bring their ID card while coming to the Library.
  4. While visiting to the library, readers should leave their personal belongings at counter reserved for this purpose. However, they can carry loose papers and notebooks.
  5. While, borrowing a book(s), users should make sure the condition of book is good otherwise he/she will be responsible for torn pages/marking etc.
  6. Tearing off the pages, marking with pencil or ink on books/ periodicals is an offence.
  7. No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the users on return. Damaged books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
  8. Users are requested not shelve the document taken out from the books shelves, should be kept on the table nearest to them.
  9. The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
  10. Tea, coffee and any other eatable items are not allowed in the library.
  11. Use of mobile phone is strictly restricted in the Library premises.
  12. Members are held responsible for all items issued on their name, until they are returned by the respective members to the library.
  13. Users should not borrow book(s) for others in their name.
  14. Users are responsible for complying with copyright act.
  15. Users must go through the agreements of publisher before the usage of e-resources.
  16. Library reserves the right to change the borrowing period of documents.

Circulation Policy

Restricted Issue

Reference material, Magazines, Newspapers will not to be issued, these may be used in the library premises only.

Renewal of Books

A user can renew a books only once, if there is no reservation on that particular document. Members can renew the document through authorized person in library premises. Renewals over the telephone, Email, SMS, electronic messages and oral communication are not entertained.


The overdue charge is INR 5 per day to all members.

Loss of Documents

In case book is loss/damaged/disfigures user must report to the library in written. The borrower will be required to replace the same or the latest edition of the document along with INR 100 along with overdue charges.

Borrowing Privileges

CategoryNo. of Books can be IssuedBorrowing Period
Faculty1590 days
PGP Student0515 days
Staff0207 days

Library Hours

The LRC is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 AM to 06:00 PM

Holidays: Saturday, Sunday & All Public Holidays.

Contact Us

Dr. P. M. Gupta

Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya
Magadh University Campus, Bodh Gaya- 824234, India

Contact No: +91-8171649777

Email ID: librarian[at]iimbg[dot]ac[dot]in

IIMBG Footer

हमसे संपर्क के लिए

भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बोधगया

उरूवेला, प्रबंध विहार
बोधगया – 824234, गया, बिहार, भारत

ई-मेल आईडी

निदेशक कार्यालय : director_office@iimbg.ac.in
पीएच.डी. प्रवेश: phdadmission@iimbg.ac.in
एमबीए प्रवेश: pgpadmission@iimbg.ac.in  आईपीएम प्रवेश: ipmadmission@iimbg.ac.in

कर्माचारी निर्देशिका