4th Corrigendum – IIMBG/ NIT/Manpower Outsourcing/2020-21/05 dated 25/04/2020

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With reference to our NIT Ref. NO: IIMBG/NIT/ Manpower Outsourcing/2020-21/05  dated 25/04/2020 and our Corrigendum No. 3 dated 01 June 2020, for Outsourcing of Manpower Services for Highly Skilled, Skilled, Semi-skilled and Unskilled categories for Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, it is hereby informed to all that the Bidder has to mention only their Service Charge (in %) in  Financial Bid as per Annexure IX irrespective of Govt of India wages rates quoted in the Annexure IX. The minimum wages rate by Govt of India, if revised and enhanced in the intervening period, the same would be applicable at the time of award of contract

Published at e-tendering(Online) on https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com, http://iimbg.ac.in & CPP Portal website: www.eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app/epublish/app ,

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